Albuquerque Baby Treated With Cannabis Oli for Seizures

Science & Health

College Students Who Utilize Marijuana Bear witness Signs Of Greater Motivation Compared To Non-Users, Report Finds



Researchers are over again challenging the thought that people who smoke marijuana lack motivation, with a recent report suggesting that the contrary may be truthful.

The report, published in the periodical Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology, tested the stereotype by recruiting 47 college students—25 frequent cannabis consumers and 22 non-users—and asking them to participate in a serial of behavioral assessments known as Attempt Expenditure for Rewards Job.

Past studies on the effect have "used divergent methodology and have not controlled for key misreckoning variables," the researchers wrote. This new study sought to adjust for those variables and plant that "past-calendar month cannabis days and cannabis utilize disorder symptoms predicted the likelihood of selecting a high-endeavor trial."

In other words, frequent marijuana consumers were actually more likely than the command grouping to select tasks that signal higher levels of motivation.

"The results provide preliminary evidence suggesting that college students who employ cannabis are more likely to expend try to obtain reward, even later on controlling for the magnitude of the advantage and the probability of reward receipt," they wrote. "Thus, these results exercise non support the amotivational syndrome hypothesis."

"Contrary to the amotivational syndrome hypothesis, college students using more cannabis were more probable to select the loftier-effort option selection, regardless of the reward magnitude, probability, and expected value of the overall reward. Although there was not a significant deviation between cannabis use groups, there was a medium sized effect, lending consistent support for an association betwixt cannabis use and greater high-endeavour choices."

The study authors at the Academy of Memphis did caveat that the results don't necessarily point that frequent cannabis users employ "damage-gratuitous goal-directed behavior," yet. And they said more studies with larger sample groups should be pursued.

On a related annotation, a study published in 2019 found that people who use marijuana report that consuming before or afterward exercising improves the feel and aids in recovery. And those who do use cannabis to drag their workout tend to get a healthier amount of exercise.

A 2020 study of older Americans also constitute that cannabis consumers tended to do more than formal exercise and engage in more physical activities than not-consumers during the grade of a four-calendar month trial.

Another report published last yr similar concluded that adolescent apply of cannabis "did non predict changes in motivation, which suggests that cannabis use may not atomic number 82 to reductions in motivation over time."

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Peak Federal Drug Agency Funds Research On Differing Legal Marijuana Regulatory Models



The National Constitute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) is renewing its push to promote federally funded inquiry into marijuana equally more than states enact reform—specifically expressing interest in studies on differing cannabis regulatory models that are in place across the state.

In a detect of interest published on Friday, the agency outlined the types of study proposals it hopes to fund and gave instructions to researchers on how to employ. NIDA said the guidance is informed past recommendations from a workgroup information technology prepare to explore the upshot in 2018.

The written report solicitation is almost identical to one NIDA put out in 2019, simply that before detect expired last month. Evidently the bureau is committed to seeing these research objectives through and has renewed them with the new filing.

NIDA'southward notice is meant to "encourage grant applications on the furnishings of changing cannabis laws and policies in the US and globally on public wellness," it said.

"Policies around of cannabis products (including whole plant cannabis and cannabis constituent compounds) in the U.s. (and globally) continue to evolve, and far outpace the cognition needed to determine the public health impacts of these changes," the notice says. "Growing numbers of states have loosened restrictions on cannabis, including those on sales and use, by passing medical marijuana laws or by making cannabis legal for adult recreational use, and in increasing numbers, states take done both."

Examples of potential studies include developing standardized methods of measuring marijuana and its components, enhancing epidemiological research on cannabis use, determining "physical and mental health antecedents" of marijuana utilize, exploring the reasons people showtime to swallow cannabis and keep to use it for therapeutic purposes and several other health-focused topics.

Interestingly, NIDA also again said it would be interested in funding research into "the heterogeneity of regulatory schemes (e.chiliad. models for retail distribution of cannabis products) to understand which combinations or components minimize harm to public wellness."

The reason that's notable is because it's some other example of a federal bureau effectively recognizing the inevitability of legalization and the need to start seriously thinking virtually regulatory models for cannabis.

NIDA emphasized that researchers must comply with the standard THC unit of measurement of five milligrams, which it developed and put into place last year, in order to conduct studies with human being subjects.

Of course, even as NIDA encourages this kind of research, the head of the agency has repeatedly recognized that marijuana'southward status as a Schedule I drug makes the application process onerous. NIDA Director Nora Volkow went so far every bit to say last year that even she is reluctant to conduct studies on Schedule I drugs like cannabis because of the "cumbersome" rules that scientists face.

NIDA submitted a split study to Congress in October emphasizing that the Schedule I status of controlled substances such marijuana is preventing or otherwise discouraging research into their potential risks and benefits.

A National Cancer Institute research squad similarly complained most the administrative barriers of marijuana enquiry in a paper published late final yr.

Several federal health agencies have worked to bolster cannabis science as the legalization move spreads. In 2020, for example, the National Eye for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH) highlighted funding opportunities for research into the therapeutic benefits of marijuana with an emphasis on pain management.

While the Schedule I restrictions remain challenging, the Drug Enforcement Assistants (DEA) has taken steps to make substances like cannabis and psilocybin more bachelor for research purposes by significantly increasing annual product quotas and ending the federal marijuana manufacturing monopoly.

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Science & Health

Don't Feed Marijuana Buds To Donkeys, New Study Warns



Feeding donkeys fresh marijuana buds is inadvisable, according to a new written report that looked at novel cases of cannabis toxicosis in 2 equine.

The written report, published in the Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation, investigated what happened after a jack and jenny (the terms for male and female donkeys, respectively) were fed a few grams of cannabis that was being legally grown for human consumption.

The donkeys' symptoms sound a lot like what happens when a person takes an edible that's also strong. They presented as lethargic and their hearts were chirapsia faster than normal, for instance. But while it took longer to come downwardly from the high for the donkeys compared to humans, with symptoms lasting 44 hours in the younger jenny earlier she was taken to the hospital, the study says both "recovered uneventfully within 24 hours of peak effects."

"Marijuana toxicosis is typically seen by companion animal veterinarians. However, with increased marijuana availability, there is a greater potential for toxicosis in other species," the written report authors wrote. To the scientists' noesis, this is the commencement report documenting cases of cannabis consumption in donkeys.

A positive event from the ass highs was that scientists had a adventure to experiment with testing procedures to ostend that the symptoms were due to exposure to cannabinoids. They used a "screening analysis in collaboration with a veterinarian diagnostic laboratory," which the report authors said "may be useful when an equine practitioner suspects marijuana toxicosis in a patient."

While they were able to determine those cannabinoid concentrations in the donkeys' plasma, the researchers noted that more data is needed to figure out what dose of cannabis causes toxicosis in the species.

In terms of treating donkeys who ate too much marijuana, the study says practitioners could potentially apply gastric lavage, administrate activated charcoal or use laxatives.

"These adjunctive therapies are targeted at decreasing gastric absorption and facilitating excretion to limit the adverse clinical effects of cannabis," they wrote. "There is no scientific prove to support the benefit of these therapies for marijuana toxicosis in equine patients. However, activated charcoal and gastric lavage are effective ways of supportive treatment for marijuana toxicosis in canine patients."

The report doesn't directly comment on the ethics of feeding cannabis to donkeys, but as a general rule, people are discouraged from intentionally intoxicating animals and should take precautions to avoid accidental ingestion.

Another study released last yr found that, apparently, some canines are even getting intoxicated off marijuana by eating the carrion of people who've consumed cannabis.

Separately, there is involvement within the scientific community about the effects of non-exhilarant CBD in animals similar dogs and horses.

Dogs with epilepsy experience considerably fewer seizures when treated with CBD oil, a study published in the journal Pet Behaviour Science in 2019 found.

The prior twelvemonth, a separate written report adamant that CBD tin can convalesce the symptoms of osteoarthritis in dogs.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA), for its office, has repeatedly warned pet owners almost using CBD to treat firework-related feet in pets effectually the July 4 holiday.

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Photo courtesy of Flickr/Klearchos Kapoutsis.

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